Loreena McKennitt──The English Ladye and the Knight《The English Ladye and the Knight》It was an English ladye bright,(The sun shines fair 汽車貸款on Carlisle wall,)And she would marry a Scottish knight,For Love will still be lord of all.Blithely they saw the rising sunWhen he shone fair 銀行利率on Carlisle wall;But they were sad ere day was done,Though Love was still the lord of all.Her sire gave brooch and Jewel fineWhere the sun 機車借款shines fair on Carlisle wall,Oh brother gave but a flask of wineFor all that Love was Lord of all.For she had lands both meadow and nearWhere 房屋貸款the sun shines fair on Carlisle wall,For He swallowed death ere He would seeA Scottish Knight the Lord of all.That wine she had not tested 農地貸款wellWhere the sun shines fair on Carlisle wall,When down in her true loves arms she fellFor love was still the Lord of all.He pierced her 負債整合brother to the heartWhere the sun shines fair on Carlisle wall,So the pair of true love partBut Love may still be Lord of all.And then He 資產管理公司took the frosty vineWhere the sun shines fair on Carlisle wall,And forsaken His palace timeSo Love will still be Lord of all.Now all ye 支票貼現lovers that faithful proveThe sun shines fair on Carlisle wall,Pray for the souls that died for loveFor love shall still be Lord of all.引用至小額信貸:

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